
Nguyễn Hồng Thế Blog


Connecting the creative spirit and techniques of web development through stories, thoughts, ideas, and life discoveries.

Nguyễn Hồng Thế Blog

This personal blog is built using Ghost Blog with the MyGhost theme, which I developed myself.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Materialize
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • ..and more

Topics of "Nguyễn Hồng Thế Blog"


The Dev page of this project focuses on sharing general tips and experiences in the field of information technology and web programming. I will post articles about new technologies, updates, and how to address common issues in the development of applications and websites.


On the Ideas page, I aim to bring innovative, diverse, and unconventional ideas about various aspects of life. Limitless thoughts, from unique perspectives to groundbreaking ideas that can change lives.


The Life's page contains shares about my personal life and experiences. I want to capture emotions, journeys, and precious lessons that life has bestowed upon me.


On the Stories page, you will find special stories and memorable moments in life. I want to share remarkable experiences and profound stories that I have encountered.


The Thoughts page contains my personal thoughts, viewpoints, and emotions about life and the world around us. I hope these shares can spark discussions and reflections on important issues.

Contact and Support

If you wish to get in touch or contribute your opinions, please use the contact information below:

Thank you for visiting Nguyễn Hồng Thế Blog. I hope you find useful information and feel inspired by my shares.