
Nguyen Hong The Portfolio

In Progress

The website you're looking at. Like so many others, I just wanted a place to collect some projects I worked on. If you like the design, check out the Repository on GitHub...

Nguyen Hong The Portfolio

My personal website, built with Next.js 15, Tailwind CSS, calls APIs from Django Rest Framework, and is tested with Vitest.

Running Locally

git clone https://github.com/nguyenhongthe/nguyenhongthe.dev.git
cd nguyenhongthe.dev

Create a .env file similar to .env.example.

Then install dependencies and run the development server:

pnpm install
pnpm dev

Cloning / Forking

Please remove all of my personal information (projects, images, etc.) before deploying your own version of this site.



This project is open source and available under the MIT License.